Corporate or Business Tax

Corporate or Business Tax

Canada. The tax is levied on the income generated from various sources, including sales, investments, and capital gains. Like personal tax, corporate tax too is collected by the Canada Revenue Agency.

T2 filing

The T2 tax form is used in Canada for corporations to report their income, calculate taxes owed, and claim deductions and credits. The T2 form requires corporations to provide detailed information about their business activities, revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Corporations must file T2 even if there is no tax payable.


Canadian residents must file the T1136 form with the Canada Revenue Agency if they own specified foreign property with a total cost of more than CAD 100,000 at any time during the tax year. The purpose of the T1135 form is to help the CRA monitor and track Canadian taxpayers’ foreign assets and income to ensure compliance with Canadian tax laws.

Other Disputes

Interpretations of tax legislation or documentation issues can lead to problems with the CRA. We offer ongoing support for resolving tax disputes and other tax-related issues, ensuring that companies comply with Canadian laws.

Take maximum tax benefits

  • Compliance with tax laws and regulations
  • Accurately calculate tax liabilities and plan finances
  • Reflects positively on a business’s reputation
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • More time to assess tax-saving opportunities
  • A positive relationship with the CRA.

Our comprehensive support to corporations

Hiring a pro accounting and tax consultancy can help businesses navigate the complexities of corporate tax filing and ensure compliance with tax laws. ATA Professional Corporation can provide personalized advice and guidance tailored to businesses’ specific financial situations, helping them optimize their tax outcomes and achieve compliance with ease.

By outsourcing tax-related tasks to us, corporations can save time, minimize errors, and mitigate the risk of penalties. We have the expertise, knowledge, and experience to accurately prepare and file corporate tax returns, identify tax-saving opportunities, and minimize the risk of errors or omissions.